When it comes to interior decoration, artwork plays a huge role in making your home unique. Each painting or photo provides character to help define a space. This is why it is important to think carefully about how you would like to display the art frames you would like to use in your home. Here are our tips to make a great gallery art arrangement in your home:
- Getting Started: Once you have chosen frames for your pictures, you should consider how you want them to be displayed in your home. When you are working with several pieces of art, you must consider the size, shape, and colors of each artwork to determine how you would like to group them together.
- Choosing a Theme: It is often helpful to identify an overall theme that connects artwork together. For example, you may wish to group frames by shape or color. You can choose if you would like to have a variety of shapes and colors intermixed, or if you would like to keep groupings uniform.
- Staging: It is helpful to lay out frames on the floor and move them around to test different groupings before you start putting up pieces. This will save you the trouble of removing nails and rearranging pieces on the wall. If you are concerned about how pieces will fit on the wall, you can trace and cut out the frame outlines on a piece of paper. This gives you freedom to tape paper to the wall, giving you an idea of how art will appear before putting up the pieces.
Once you have followed these steps, you are ready to put up your artwork!